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Dee's Lullaby


Click here for mask

1. Open your image and select a light color for your FG color and a dark color for your BG color.

2. Add a border size 5 color white. and select. Change your color pallet to gradient and select the foreground/background gradiant. Flood fill with this gradient with the following settings:

Apply NVR Bordermania Frame 2 and change the top 2 numbers to 5.

2. Add a border size 1 color black.

3. Add a border size 5 color white. Select border and flood fill with your gradient. Repeat the Bordermania with the same settings.

4. Add a border size 1 black.

5. Add a border size 20 color white. Select this border. Flood fill with your background color. Add a new layer. Flood fill this layer with your gradiant. Go to Layers / load - save mask - load from disc. Apply the !favmask. Layers - delete. Click yes to merge layers. Selections - Select all - Selections - Float. Add a drop shadow with the following settings:

Adjust - Add noise - 50% uniform. Select None.

6. Add a border size 1 black.

7. Add a border size 5 white. Select and flood fill with your gradient. Apply the NVR Bordermania.

8. Add a border size 1 black

9. Add a border size 30 color white. Select this border and flood fill with your background color. Apply Andrews Filters 14 - Making ripples at default settings. Simple filters - Half Wrap. Filters Unlimited - Buttons and Frames - Glass Frame 3 select none.

10. Add a border size 5. Flood fill with your gradient. Add noise 50% uniform. Apply your Bordermania setting.

11. Add corners, accents and watermark.


