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126-Kris Mask

Select a dark color and a light color from your image and add to swatches for easy access.

1. Add a border size 25 color white. Select this border and
flood fill with the Crystal pattern. Add a new layer and
flood fill with your gold pattern.
Layers - Masks - Apply 126 Kris mask.
Layers - Delete - click on yes when box appears.
Layers - Merge - Merge All.
Apply Filters Unlimited - Glass Frame 2.
Frame size = 25, Contrast = 128
Select none.

2. Add a new border size 10 with your dark color. Select this
border and add noise 50% uniform.

3. Add a new border size 5 with your light color.

4. Add a new border size 10 with your dark color. Select this
border and add noise 50% uniform.

5. Add a new border size 15 with your light color and select.
Apply Andrews Filters 52 - Warping sign with default settings.
Add noise 50% uniform.
Apply Filters Unlimited - Glass Frame 2
Size = 15, Contrast = 128
Select none.

6. Repeat step number 2

7. Repeat step number 3

8. Repeat step number 2

9. Add a border size 25 with your light color and select.
Apply Andrews Filters 57 - Circles in Sands of Time with
the default settings.
Select none

10. Add a new border size 5 color white. Select this border
and flood fill with your gold pattern.
Apply NVR Bordermania and change the top 2 settings to 5.
Select none

11. Select all - modify - contract by 95 and invert selection.
Apply Filters Unlimited - Glass Frame 2.
Size = 95, Contrast = 128
Select none.

12. Resize image and sharpen. Add corners, decorations and mark


