1. Add a border size 2 - color white. Select border and flood fill with the gold pattern or your favorite gold pattern. Invert selection - cut out: use these settings: 0 - 0 - 65 - 20 fill with color unchecked.
2. Add a border size 2 color black
3. Add a border size 5 color white. Select this border and flood fill with the gold beads pattern.
Adjust - Hue & Saturation - Colorizing - 5 and 5.
4. Select a color from your graphic. Add a border size 10 with your selected color. I used ea7a41. Select this border
Filters Unlimited Buttons & Frames - Kaleidoscope rectangle.
Settings: 41 - 40 - 0. Select None
5. Select all - Selections - modify - contract by 19.
Invert - Filters Unlimited - Glass Frame 2 with the following settings:
Frame size - 19
Contrast = 128
Select none.
6. Add a border size 20 with your selected color. Select this border. Add a new layer - flood fill with white.
Layers - Load/save mask - Load mask from disc. Apply the dm~0813-7 mask.
Layers - delete -Click yes to box. Layers - Merge all.
Filters Unlimited 2 - Glass Frame 2 - Defalut settings.
Select none.
7. Add a border size 2 color white. Select border and flood fill with gold pattern.
8. Add a border size 3 color white. Select border and flood fill with gold beads.
Adjust - Hue & Saturation - Colorize - 5 and 5
Select none.
9. Add a border size 20 with your selected color. Select this border.
Filter Factory B - James Bondage - Use these settings:
154 - 111 - 68
Filters Unlimited 2 - Glass Frame 2 - default settings.
10. Apply corners and watermark