1. Select 2 colors from your image and save them to swatches for easy access.
2. Add a border size 1 color black
3. Add a border size 5 with background color and select border
Mosaic Glass - Default setting
Filters Unlimited, Glass Frame 2, size = 5
Invert, apply a cutout
Select None
4. Add a border size 3 color white
Select border and Flood Fill with your gold pattern
Select None
5. Add a border size 10 with your foreground color
Select border and apply Filter Factory B, Seismic Twirl
65, 187, 255
Select None
6. Repeat step 3
7. Add a border size 15 with background color
Select border and apply Filter Factory B, Accelerating Daisies
70, 105, 124, 132
Apply Filters Unlimited, Glass Frame 2
Frame size 15, 128
Select None
8. Select All, contract by 37
Invert selection
Filters Unlimited, Glass Frame 2
Frame size = 37, 128
Select none
9. Resize, add mark and corners.