1. Select a light color and a dark color from your image. Set the light color as your foreground and the dark color as your background. Add these colors to your swatches to make it a little easier.
2. Add a border size 2 with your dark color.
3. Add a border size 2 with light color.
4. Add a border size 2 with dark color.
5. Add a border size 25 with your light color.
Add noise 50% uniform.
Apply Andrews Filters 37 - Hiccups at default settings.
Add Filter Factory B - Spinner at default settings.
Add Simple Filters 4 way average.
6. Add a border size 3 with dark color
7. Add a border size 3 with light color
8. Add a border size 3 dark color.
9. Add a border size 25 with light color.
Apply Filter Factory B - Sliding Spirals - default settings.
Apply VM Distortion - smallpox with default settings.
Apply Andrews Filters 37 - hiccups - default settings.
Apply Filter Factory B - Spinner - default settings.
Apply Simple Filters - 4 way average.
Apply Xero Filters - Softmood - default settings.
Apply Filters Unlimited - Buttons and Frames -
Glass Frame 2
10. Apply corners and watermark.