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Skipper Supplies

Select a light color and a dark color from your image. Add to your swatches for easy access.

1. Add a new layer to your image. Flood fill with your gold
pattern. Apply the assorted squares mask.
Layers - invert mask
Layers - delete - click yes to pop-up box.
Select all - Float
Apply a drop shadow with the following settings:
Vertical: 5
Horizontal: 10
Opacity: 30
Blur: 3
Color: Black
Select None

2. Add a border size 10 with light color and select border.
Apply toadies - blast - n - blur with following settings
X = 20
Y = 20
Apply NVR Bordermania - Frame 2 and change
the top 2 settings to 10.

3. Add a border size 3 with dark color.

4. Repeat step 2

5. Add a border size 15 with your dark color and select.
Apply Funhouse - Polar Perversion with the following settings.
X = 60
Y = 81
Darkness = 90
Apply Filters Unlimited - Buttons and Frames - Glass Frame 2
with the following settings
Frame size = 15
Contrast = 128

6. Add a border size 15 with your dark color and select.
Apply Filter Factory L - Four Rings.
Apply NVR Bordermania - Frame 2.
Change the top 2 numbers to 15.

7. Add a border size 5 color white and select border.
Flood fill with gold pattern.
Apply NVR Bordermania - Frame 2
Change top 2 numbers to 5
Invert and apply cutout with the following settings
Vertical: 5
Horizontal: 5
Opacity: 15
Blur: 5
Color: Black
Select None

8. Resize and sharpen. Add corners, decorations and mark


