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You've Come a Long Way Baby!


Zip File

my colors used are: 8D8781 - Dark Color E0D8CE - Light Color
Add to swatches for easy retrieval

1. Open tube in supplies zip - copy and paste as new image
Add a new layer and flood fill with the light color and
move to bottom.
Adjust - Add noise - 20% Uniform
Merge All

2. Add a border size 10 with dark color.
Select border and add noise 50% uniform.
Apply an inner bevel with the following settings
Bevel 2 - Smoothness 40 - Color White
Width 5 - Depth 2 - Angle 316
Ambience 0 - Intensity 67
Shininess 10 - Elevation 2

3. Add a border size 5 with light color

4. Repeat step 2

5. Add a border size 15 with light color and select.
Select border and apply Ulead Fantasy Wrap pattern 2.
Add a new layer
Flood fill with your silver pattern.
Layers - Properties - Soft Light
Select None.

6. Add a border size 1 black

7. Repeat step 2

8. Repeat step 3

9. Repeat step 2

10. Resize - sharpen and add your mark and decorate


