1. Add a border size 15 with your light color and select.
Effects - Reflection Effects - Kaleidoscope with the following settings
Horizontal Offset = - 63
Vertical Offset = 85
Rotation = 345
Scale = - 28
Number of Petals = 20
Number of Orbits = 5
Radial Suction = 35
Edge Mode = Repeat
Apply Filters Unlimited - Glass Frame 2
Frame size = 15
Contrast = 128
Invert Selection - Apply a cut out with the following settings
Vertical = 5
Horizontal = 5
Opacity = 15
Blur = 5
Apply a second cut out except change the Vertical and Horizontal
to a Negative 5
Select None
2. Add a border size 5 color white and select.
flood fill with your silver pattern
Invert selection and apply previous cut out
Select None
3. Add a border size 5 with your dark color and select
Effects - Texture Effects - Mosaic Glass with the following settings
Columns = 50
Rows = 50
Glass Curvature = 40
Edge Curvature = 5
Grout Width = 5
Grout Diffusion = 50
Select None
4. Add a border size 10 with your light color and select
Apply Andrews Filters 13 - Warping Warposity with following
settings from top to bottom
4, 179, 190, 109, 51, 64, 89, 104
Select None
5. Repeat step 3
6. Add a border size 20 with your light color and select.
Apply DSB Flux - Spider Web with following
settings from top to bottom
8, 5, 50
Select None
7. Repeat Step 3
8. Repeat Step 4
9. Repeat Step 3
10. Add a border size 5 color white and select.
Flood fill with your silver pattern.
Invert and apply your cut out
Select None
11. Resize - Sharpen - Decorate - Add mark