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1. Select a light and a dark color from your image.
Be sure that it has a centered object. Save these colors
to your swatches for easy access.

2. Add a new layer. Flood fill with the leopard pattern.
Layers - apply mask - Lace mask

3. Layers delete - Select all, float, apply drop shadow
with the following settings: 5, 5, 40, 3
Select none - sharpen

4. Add a border size 10 with your light color
Select border. Adjust - add noise - 50% random.
Apply Bordermania frame 2. Change the top number to 10

5. Add a border size 10 with your dark color

6. Repeat step 4

7. add a border size 25 with your light color. Select border.
Apply Andrews 55 - Amazing Brew use the default settings.
Select None.

8. Repeat step 3

9. Repeat step 4

10. Repeat step 3

11. Add a border size 30 with your light color.
Select border and apply VM Toolbox - Grid
with default settings.
Filters unlimited - Buttons and frames -
Frame 2. Change the size of frame to 30.

12. Resize, sharpen, and apply corners
and watermark.


