1. Select a light color from your graphic and set as foreground color.
Select a dark color from your graphic and set as Background color.
Add to swatches to save time.
2. Add a border size 3 with light color. Select and apply NVR Bordermania. Change top 2 settings to 3.
3. Add a border size 3 with dark color. Select and apply NVR Bordermania. Change top 2 settings to 3.
4. Add a border size 1 Black
5. Add a border size 15 light color.
Add noise 15% uniform.
Add Andrews Filters 59 - Into the groove - Default settings
Add Andrews Filters 12 - Very fuzzed out.
Add Filters Unlimited - buttons and frames - Glass 3 frame.
6. Add a border size 3 dark color. Apply NVR Bordermania with same settings.
7. Add a border size 3 light color. Apply NVR Bordermania with settings.
8. Add a border size 3 dark color. Apply NVR Bordermania with settings.
9. Add a border size 35. Select this border.
Apply noise 15% uniform.
Apply Filter Factory B - James Bondage with default settings.
Apply Simple Filters - 4 way average.
Apply Filters Unlimited - buttons and frames - glass frame 3
10. Add corners and watermark.