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Zip File

1. Open your image and select a light blue for your FG color and a dark blue for your BG color.

2. Apply a new layer. Flood fill with your FG color.

3. Layers - Load/save mask - load from disc. Select the JDmask97 mask and apply. Layers delete - click yes to merge layers. Selections - select all - selections - float. Add a drop shadow with the following settings:
Verticle and Horizontal 2
Opacity 100
Blur 50
Color Black
Select none.

4. Add a border size 2 with your back ground color (add your background color and your foreground color to your swatches to save you some time)

5. Add a border size 2 FG color

6. Add a border size 2 BG color

7. Add a border size 15 with your FG color and select this border.

8. Apply the following filters: Andrews Filters 57 - Curled & Whirled - Default settings
Simple Filters - Top Left Mirror
Adjust - Noise - Add - 50% uniform
Effects - Texture Effects - Mosaic Antique - Default Settings
Invert - Cutout with the following settings:
Verticle and Horizontal 0
Opacity 65
Blur 20
Select None

9. Add a border size 2 with your BG color

10. Add a border size 2 with your FG color

11. Add a border size 2 with your BG color

12. Add a border size 25 with your FG color and select border.

13. Apply the following filters:
Filter Factory B - James Bondage - Default settings
Andrews Filters 57 - Curled & Whirled - default setting
Simple filters - top left mirror
Adjust - noise - add - 50% uniform
Filters Unlimited 2 - Buttons and frames - glass frame 3.
Select None

14. Add corners, accents and watermark.


